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Advertising Server/Site Zone / L2Einhovant | x1 | Classic | N...
Last post by daemondas - January 31, 2025, 12:24:18 PM
Hi, I inviting you to join L2Einhovant server, lets give them chanse. It's x1 Classic with some bonus futures, no duals box, no wipes, buffs stores and etc. Grow up by litle steps together with the server population.

🔥 Why L2Einhovant?
✅ Authentic Classic Gameplay – No dual box, all classes inportant, no auto farm.
✅ Hardcore x1 Rates – A true test of your gameplay skill, level up stages.
✅ Active Community & Fair Administration – A server built for passionate players.
✅ Long-Term Stability – Grow your character in a world that lasts.

Gather your allies, sharpen your weapons, and prepare for an unforgettable journey. Join to our comunity now and prepare for start.

Open beta: 1th February.
Grand opening: 7th February, 20:00 UTC+2.

🔗 Discord:
Advertising Server/Site Zone / L2 ADDICTS| GRAND OPENING 1 MA...
Last post by l2addicts - February 12, 2024, 08:39:56 PM
🔸 Interlude Server x15
🔸 Grand Opening: 1 MARCH 18:00 GMT3
🔸 International Server, Solo Friendly, Many Events and Full PvP 24/7
🔸 Website:
🔸 Discord:

Server time: UTC -3
Server Chronicles: Interlude
Armor: Grade-A / Grade-S (C4/C6 Retail)
Weapon Grade-A / Grade-S (C4/C6 Retail)
Jewels Boss
Sub-Class Base+3 (No Stuck)
Noblesse party last hit barakiel
Donates Does not influence balance
Geodata and Pathnodes 100%
Off-line Shop and Craft mode
Auto Learn Skills
Auto loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops)
Wedding System
Only 4 Clan per Ally
Farm system: custom drop areas.
Chaotic Zones.
Events Automatics
Argument STR,INT,WIT,MEN: 5% Chance
Experience (EXP) x15
Skill Points (SP) x15
Adena x15
Party: x2
Drop: x5
PvP Server Interlude

Safe Enchant +3
Max. Enchant Weapon +20
Max. Enchant Armor/Jewels +16
Chance Scroll Normal: 50%
Chance Scroll Blessed: 60%

Buff Slot 20 + 4 (Divine Inspiration)
All buffs in NPC
Buff time 2 hours
HS Buffs Free in NPC Buffer
System PvP: Lose Buff in Chaotic Zone

Siege 7 in 7 Days
Sieges Awarded
Castle Active: Giran/Aden/Rune/Goddard
Awards Castles: Giran and Aden

All boss Chaotic Zone
NO-BS in Events Automatics
Party Zone Special Drops

Areas Farm
Monastery of Silence (x2) - Solo Zone
Stakato Nest (x3) - Party Zone (Chaotic)

Grand Olympiad
Olympiads Grade-S (No Custom)
Max Enchant in Olympiads: +6
Schedules: 18:00 until 23:59 PM UTC-3
New periods on each 14 days.

Secured Server uptime 99,9% Online 24 hours
Server with guaranteed stability No Lag for thousands of players
All Injection Protections
DDoS Protection by HyperFilter
Geodata and Pathnodes working 100%
Advertising Server/Site Zone / L2OFF NEW High Five Open 21 Ap...
Last post by jpszone_ - April 15, 2023, 10:50:58 AM
Advertising Server/Site Zone / Re: Istina 50x
Last post by L2Scarlet - March 11, 2023, 10:53:50 AM
Fishing System Updates!

Official website:
Advertising Server/Site Zone / L2OFF JPSZone High Five x10 Op...
Last post by jpszone_ - March 01, 2023, 08:08:52 PM
💥GRAND OPENING  14-01-2023 20:00 Gmt+2💥
:crown: Join our discord for more events
💪Best Interlude PvP Server [ Rates PVP]
👑Famous Server With Thousands Online
✅Unique Ideas - Perfect Balance
☠️Dozens Of Clans - High Competition
⚔️Forget About The Rest And Join With The Best
☠️Mass PVP 🇪🇸🇦🇷🇨🇴🇧🇷🇧🇴
⚔️Premium Account Per Cp Leader
⚔ Giveaways Every Day After 23:00 UT-3
⚔ Giveaways Every Day After 18:00 GMT+2
🌐 Discord
🌐 Website
Advertising Server/Site Zone / Re: L2Etina | Invitation link ...
Last post by daemondas - September 20, 2022, 12:06:18 PM
Server started perfectly and population is growing up.

Here is refferal link:
You will get bonus buff scrolls.

And if you need any in game help contact me.
My nickname: Daemondas
My stream:
Advertising Server/Site Zone / Re: L2Etina | Invitation link ...
Last post by daemondas - September 16, 2022, 01:26:30 PM
Server start today, you can watch it via my stream:

And if you want to try by your self, you can allways use my refferal link:

Thank you and good luck.
Advertising Server/Site Zone / L2Etina | Invitation link | In...
Last post by daemondas - September 03, 2022, 12:45:15 PM
Hi, I inviting you to join L2Etina server, give them one more chanse. It's x3 Interlude server with Classic client ir some his good features. One of most impresive futures is buff stores that everyone can sell them and other one it's live items sellers search.

Server start date: 2022-09-16.

Who thinks to try this server, please use my invitation link for account registration:
It will be useful for me and for you, here is bonuses what you get for using invitation link.

x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Guidance
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Death Whisper
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Focus
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Greater Acumen
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Haste
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Agility
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Mystic Empower
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Might
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Windwalk
x3 L2Day Buff Scroll: Shield
x1000 Soulshots No Grade for Beginner
x500 Spirit Shot No Grade for Beginner

Who want to join me and make some party farming contact. I will level up Phantom Summoner ;)
In game name: Daemondas
Discord: Daemondas#8867

Thank you. And have a nice day. :)
Advertising Server/Site Zone / [L2J-H5] Eternia High Five Upd...
Last post by jpszone_ - March 05, 2022, 11:36:06 AM
The Eternia server is a public emulation server for a famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in its latest update (update 3) of High Five, fully RETAIL and only equipped with some minimal assists/functionalities, which will allow the player enjoyment, comfort and playability.

In Eternia, we do not edit or alter any setting that has to do with the RETAIL operation of the different functionalities that the chronicle brings by default. We also do not have unbalanced classes, multiskills, or cumulative skills or customizations of any kind.

In the Eternia server, we do not want to discriminate against anyone based on language, therefore, Eternia is a multilanguage server between players, with a single exception, communication with the Staff, which depending on the case, will have to be in the Spanish language of Spain or in the English language of the United Kingdom.

We inform that the Eternia server is updated regularly (Main Core and Data Pack).

At the security level, Eternia has anti-DoS protection from a prestigious and recognized external company, which, we consider to be effective and efficient enough to mitigate the attacks that may occur from unwanted attacks that could try to interrupt the service.

We invite you to join the best server, ours, that you enjoy it and that you also invite your friends to share it.

All of our settings and features, the ones that set us apart from the crowd are at: httpS://

      .:. Links.:.
Secure Website: httpS://
Secure Forum: httpS://
Discord: httpS://
Tweeter: httpS://