Xtremetop300 Forum Rules
No bad words
No Hacking - This should go without saying, but you are not permitted to hack the board. Guessing someone else's password and succeeding counts as hacking. Members who hack will instantly be permanently banned without any warnings
No Discrimination, - You may not insult members based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, or whether they are gay or straight. This is worse than flaming, because it also hurts other members of the board who fall into the catagory you insult.
No flooding (forum also has flood protection, but this rule is here because it needs to be here)
No spam (any spamer found here will be deleted and all the info related to him ... server listing/posts/comments)
NO POSTING, NO DISSCUTIONS, ABOUT WAREZ or LEAKED SERVERS (i don't want to see something of those on Xtremetop300 domain) This includes No file downloads.
Be sure you post your thread in the right forum
All posts must be in English.(Except Non english Language Sections)
We do not need to know your personal problems with a server. Take it up with them.
Under no circumstance will we allow any server name or username to be deceptively similar to Xtremetop300 or its staff.
Becoming a Premium User does NOT mean you can't get a ban or restrictions or warning if you abuse your abilities.
These rules may change at any time without any warning