Lineage 2 Sky, MID Interlude Start today!!

Started by l2sky, June 09, 2019, 02:13:31 PM

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Lineage 2 Sky, MID Interlude Start Today!
Welcome to Lineage 2 Sky, MID Interlude- CraftPvP type server x75. Our goal is to provide you with a stable, lagless, enjoyable as well as close-to-retail yet spiced Lineage II experience. NO CORRUPTION POLICY. NO BOTS,SCRIPTS.
Start date: 22-06-2019 +3GTM 19:00

Main information:
Chronicles: Interlude - CraftPVP x75
TvT events everyday 17:00 +2 GTM and 21:00 +3GTM TOP KILLER +5 EVENT MEDALS
Event medals TvT 20, Vote min 3 max 5 (x4) Event Shop available at Gmshop NPC
28+6 (+4Divine Inspiration)
Minimum rift size 3
Class transfer:
1st 50k
2nd 500k
3rd 15kk + 1 BOG
Max wep +16
Max armor +16
Max jewl +10
Normal – Safe 4(on all items) 65%
Blessed – 70%
Glow 0/40/70/100
Skill 5/10/15/20
Dual box:
Max 5
Per ip unlimited
Oly dual box is off
Event dual box is off

EXP/SP: x75
Adena: x25
Drop/Soil: x25
Seal Stones: x4
Quests/Reward: x8/x5
Stakato Fangs Drop without quest can be exchanged in Gmshop

Premium Account:
Exp/Sp x2
Adena x1.5
Drop x1
Spoil 2x
Access to Premium BUFFS and TELEPORTS
Champion mobs chance 5%
Subclass and Nobles:
Subclass without quest.
Nobles quest: items in GM shop(65lvl) 250kk+10Event medals + 500Moonstoneshard; Donate shop (75lv) or instant
Barakiel 8H + 1H RandomNobles

GM Shop:
Items till B grade;
Mammon is available at Giran
GM shop has many things available please explore
Time: 18:00 - 00:00 (GMT +2)
Olympiad period - 1 weeks
Maximum items on the olympiad: +6. Items which enchanted more than +6 will be counted as +6.
Clans and ally:
All clan penaltys removed
Clan skills working for every clan member
All Raidbosses spawn 15H to 20H, except Event RB's
Barakiel spawn 8H +1H Random
Attacking rb will give you an automatic flag
All epics are 80Lvl except core 50Lvl
Raids have a 7.5% chance to drop Premium Scroll (3Days) (Ipos ,Shax ,Flamestone giant,Ashakiel,Glaki,Hestia,Golkonda,Galaxia,Shuriel,Hekaton,Shadith,Queen shyeed,Tayr,Mos,Ember,Uruka,Brakki,Horus)
Event RB's
Naga will drop either AM or DBOW 100%, will also drop Premium scroll (3 Days) 50% 23H +1H Random
Palatanos Of Horific power will drop either AM or DBOW 100%, will also drop Premium scroll (3 Days) 50% Spawn 23H +1H Random
Epic's Fixed Time:
Valakas 23:00 +2gtm random 1hour         5 days
Antharas 22:00 +2 gtm random 1hour     4days
Baium 21:00 +2gtm random 1hour          3days
Zaken (80LVL) 20:00 +2GTM random 1hour    2days
AQ 19:00 +2 (80LVL) gtm random 1H           1day
Tezza 22:00 (80LVL) +2 gtm random 1hour    2days

Additional player commands
.gk   Gatekeeper to Necropolis/Catacombs/Other places.
.buffs   Buffer's command (not working in all areas).
.menu   Many commands in one place, password's changer, character's repair, auto potions.
Offline shop: .offline;
In order to set up offline show just log out after setting up the shop.

Unique features:
Sweaper skill was replaced with mass sweaper (200) radius.
Overlord rebuffs show around character (radius)
Improved Buffer system
Absolutely 0 tolerance for bots and corruption. No items will be sold outside of normal donate shop and any attempt to engage the GM's into transactions will result in characters ban.
Special Event Raidbosses which have a 100% drop of either DBOW or AM and % chance to drop premium coin (3 days).
Merchant system (auctioneer) which allows to sell augment weapons.
A new guard to protect against bots walkers, and cheats.
PVP zones near epic locations and many, many more features.