Basic Rates Experience (EXP): 30x Skill Points (SP): 20x Adena: 13 Drop Items: 10x (Recs-Keys 1x) Quest Experience (EXP): 3x Quest Skill Points (SP): 3x Quest Adena: 2x Quest Drop Items: 4x Spoil: 10x Weight Limit: 5x Manor: 2x Extract Fish: 6x Enchant: Safe Enchant: 4 Max. Enchant: 20/20/25 Normal Scroll chance: 65% Blessed Scroll chance: 85% Elemental Max. Level: Level 7 Elemental Stone chance: 40% Buffs, Dances and songs Duration 2 h Buff Slots 24 Dance and Songs Slots 12 Max. Clients per PC 5 Geodata and Pathnodes ON Elemental Crystal chance: 30% Unique Clan Leader Invite Request More Features u will can see on Communty Board in GAME
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