Lineage ][ RiseOfEviL Features Advanced Quest rate – 1-3x drop 1x reward RB drop – 3x Safe Enchant +3 Maxim Enchant +16 Olympiad Maxim Enchant +6 elem. stone – 45%elem. crystals – 35%24 buff slots (+4 divine inspiration)14 dance and songs slots max 2 clients per PC Class transfers, GM shop, buffer Free class transfer (no quest )GM shop up to S grade ALT+B (Community shop , buffer , gatekeeper and much more)Dance Of Berseker ,CC and much more. (added at buffer)Heroes, sieges, TWs Heroes every Saturday Sieges every weekend Territory wars every weekend Auto events every one hour Protection against botting SGuard (L2-Scripts) blocks cheating, bots and abusive players also .report command in game And much more ....