Oldschool Lineage][ Interlude ----------------------------General Rates:----------------------------Xp = 50xSp = 50xParty Xp = 70xParty Sp = 70xAdena Drop = 30xItem Drop = 30xSeal Stones Drop = 3xSpoil = 10x----------------------------Enchant Rates:----------------------------Safe Enchant +4Safe Max Full +6Weapon Max +16Armor Max +20Jewelery Max +20----------------------------Events:----------------------------Team vs. TeamCapture the FlagDeath MatchTown War No Custom Items ----------------------------GM ShopGlobal GatekeeperNPC Buffer (Scheme Buffer)PCBangPointsOlympiad game:Retail olympiad game.Competition period 2 weeks.Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00].Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager.Wedding system..tvtjoin .tvtleave - Join or leave tvt event..ctfjoin .ctfleave - Join or leave ctf event.No custom items !Main towns - Giran, Goddard, Gludio.Working all castle sieges.----------------------------Long Term ServerFriendly and helpful GM'sGood Luck and Have Fun!